Congratulations on your decision to purchase a Quick Link. First a few things about the product. The Quick Link transmitter and receiver are both waterproof. The transmitter gets installed in your sprinkler timer and the receiver gets installed in your valve box. Both the transmitter and the receiver have built in mounting bosses for a clean installation. Each piece has five LED’s, one power on LED and four station indicators.
The Quick Link needs two good power wires to communicate on, a hot wire, and a common wire. The Quick link is not radio controlled. “on – off” signals are transmitted along with the 24vac power coming from your timer. When the transmitter receives power to one of it’s input wires, it sends an “on” signal to the receiver. When the receiver receives the “on” signal it turns on the corresponding valve. Distance depends on wire gauge and timer mfg.’s specifications.
Transmitter installation: FIG1
A) Connect the black wire to timers master valve/pump terminal. (along with any other master valve wires)
B) Connect the white wire to timers common terminal. (along with any other common wires)
C) Connect the brown wire to a good station wire. (This should be a good wire that runs out to the receiver’s location.)
D) Connect the input wires to open stations on the timer. (Red “A”, Blue ”B”, Green “C”, and Orange “D”. These don’t have to be in order. Leave unused wires disconnected.)
Receiver installation: FIG2
A) Connect the black wire to the good wire coming from your transmitter. (this is the same wire that is connected to the brown transmitter wire back at the timer)
B) Connect the white wire to the valve common coming from the timer. (Along with all other common wires.)
C) Connect the output wires to your valves. (Red “A”, Blue ”B”, Green “C”, and Orange “D”. Leave unused wires disconnected.)
With everything connected, your unit should work as follows:
1. When your timer starts a water cycle, the master valve will power up the Quick Link and the red power lights will come on.
2. When one of the stations that the Quick Link transmitter is hooked to comes on, its corresponding indicator will light.
3. When the indicator lights up it sends a signal to the receiver.
4. When the receiver gets the signal it turns on the appropriate valve and the corresponding station indicator lights up.
Each Quick Link comes with a one-year warranty.
For technical assistance please call 1-800-793-0312